A lot of political hay will be made about this, but here’s my take on it:
Obama didn’t dither, didn’t fret about how it would look, or worry about legal crap. This sort of thing has saved bin Laden’s ass at least twice in the past. Obama gave the go-ahead for a mission that was very risky. It was a heavy political risk in international relations, a heavy political risk personally, and a heavy risk for American troops.
A wrong bit of intelligence, a screw up that nobody anticipated, and a great victory turns into another case of burning helicopters in the desert and Obama’s the Goat of the Year. He had to know this. And he still gave the order.
Whatever else you think of Obama, today he had the guts presidents are supposed to have. And I don’t mind going on record with it.
Heh. An online commenter elsewhere: "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of Obama."
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I'm not seeing an edit option anywhere.
I have one right at the end of the subject line.
'Fraid not, pod.
Looks like you are seeing things others don't, so you must have different role settings. Do any ...
Not so, Rita. You can edit your own posts and comments. Mods can edit everything.
Not so, Rita. You can edit your own posts and comments. Mods can edit everything.
'Fraid not, pod.
Looks like you are seeing things others don't, so you must have different role settings. Do any ...
I have one right at the end of the subject line.
I'm not seeing an edit option anywhere.
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Well said indeed.
Another thing occurred to me as I was trying to fall asleep last night, this whole affair ...
- My thoughts exactly. He stepped up and took charge on this. Good call.
well said, TB. (n/t)
- Thank you for acknowledging that. I know it wasn't easy. :-)