The recent decision by the Obama administration to mandate that even organizations opposed to birth control on religious grounds are mandated to provide birth control information is, in my opinion, unconstitutional, and wrong.
ALthough I agree the government has the right to withold funding to organizations which do not carry out its policies equitably, especially if the motivation is a religious one, there is a big difference in forcing organizations to carry out policies they feel are immoral. IOTW, forcing the catholics to provide abortion or birth control counseling is just as wrong as forbidding secular clinics to provide it.
I am not opposed to abortion or birth control, and I have no religious feelings whatsoever on this issue, but I do believe that this is an intrusion on religious liberty, and objectionable on secular, humanistic grounds for that reason. The freedom to practice religion as one chooses must not be attacked by government, even if the religion is dead wrong.
There are some religious practices so extreme that I do believe the government has every right to intervene, such as clitoral circumcision, forced marriages, and denying education to young women. But I do not believe this is one of those.
- I don't think Obama has anything to worry about
I don't think you portray what the change is very accurately.
The fact that government can force employers to provide health insurance to their employees seems screwy to me.
And ps: if you don't like the employer health care mandate, you need to complain to Nixon. n/t
The fact that employers can choose what health care their employees should have seems screwy to me. n/t
And ps: if you don't like the employer health care mandate, you need to complain to Nixon. n/t
The fact that government can force employers to provide health insurance to their employees seems screwy to me.
As the issue moves from abortion to contraception it would seem to become less of an asset for Conservatives. ...
- Whose vote do you think he lost?