I cannot express my joy for finding this website in any other manner. It’s full of graphs of Habitable Zones for different stars, and of the orbits of discovered planets in star systems. They even have animated ones!
Makes me wonder, though – what would a political spectrum graph of the HZ members here look like? Like the ones on different chart-your-place sites?
Political compass
The methods used by astronomers to detect exoplanets around nearby stars all have severe limitations. These methods include
1)Transit. ...
I wonder if the detected planets so far have any pattern to their orbital planes relative to the galactic plane?
- There is no "up and down" or "back and forth" in space, Only tilted toward or away from us. ...
No. As you surmise in your last post, the two have absolutely no causal relation to one another.
- Hmmmm.
I wonder if the detected planets so far have any pattern to their orbital planes relative to the galactic plane?