As one looks for cause and effect in the current economic crises, some surprising indicators have been overlooked. I hope I can correct some of the misunderstandings. Maybe there is room for Conservatives and liberals to work together.
For instance. Pressure on public food banks increased dramatically BEFORE the foreclosure crisis. Long before. The free and low-cost food distributors, the gleaners, reported heavy demand and low inventories some 6 to 7 months before foreclosures became a problem. Clearly eliminating food banks could help with that crises. A Conservative solution to a problem for all of us.
Creating Social Security occurred long before the increase in life expectancy and the resulting increase in health costs, housing costs and transportation crunches. Eliminate Social Security, let people get sick and die, let them starve, let them live outside and freeze to death and there will be far fewer demands on the limited resources we have. Not only will that increase the standard of living for most people, it will be cheaper. Another solution which would make Ayn Rand readers proud as punch.
School breakfast and lunch programs coupled with infant wellness clinics have resulted in healthier children joining gangs. Gang violence has increased to the detriment of many, many neighborhoods. Eliminate those meals and health programs and watch the effects of gangs diminish drastically. Look at the slums of Calcutta or New Delhi and tell me how many of those folks laying in the gutter belong to gangs. None. No energy. Conservatives once again have the right idea.
We liberals need to look to the Conservatives for the hidden advantages of their programs, for the hidden causes of our problems, and bring our country together with a common, united front, to detect the origins of the problems of the US and the solutions. We can overcome, we can unite, we can solve.