The British press chuckles over the baffled US reaction to the socialized medicine salute to the UK NHS in the Olympic Games opening Ceremonies.
OTOH, US conservatives can be comforted by the Robber Baron Ballet that opened the Satanic Mills part of the Industrial Revolution segment, complete with Top Hats, Frock Coats, Steampunk tech, belching smokestacks and struggling masses. What a hoot!
At first, I thought the whole Glastonbury Tor exercise was pathetic compared to China’s overwhelming, almost brutal display of technology and organization, and disturbing hive-like regimentation. But after watching it for a while, I was charmed by the whole affair. China may be the newest world power, all energy, power and confidence, but the Brits still have have been able to one-up that spectacular arrogance and bravado with style, class and humor. No other approach could possibly have worked.
Rome conquered Greece, but after the Empire collapsed, the Hellenistic world continued on for centuries.