Anyone, literally anyone, in the US interested in lower taxes and smaller government would cut the defense budget immediately. With NO credible threat against the US we spend 5 times what the rest of the world combined does. And that’s with no credible threat. None.
No one who advocates for the enormous military which fights wars the way oyster harvesters used to fight starfish, tearing them into shreds each of which grew into another starfish, which does more harm that any conceivable good is interested in smaller government and lower taxes.
Lower taxes, maybe, just like GWB, who lowered taxes so as to borrow money for 2 unnecessary wars, and left it to Obama to pay the bill. They like that, bigger debt, and wars, and lower taxes, but not smaller government. How much did the government shrink while Conservatives ran the entire works? How much under GHWB, Reagan?
Even a short memory will remember that lower taxes led to hedge funds, not jobs, and almost wrecked the US. Even a short memory will recognize that Romney is the epitomy of financial looting which almost wrecked the country.
A longer memory will remember when taxes were very high, the Eisenhower years for instance, and people could make a living, own a house, and look forward to a dignified death.
The “lower taxes and smaller government” nonsense is simply a feelgood, designed to lull the ignorant into voting for the greedy. We are becoming a banana republic just as fast as Conservatives can make it happen, and middle class Conservatives remind me of trustees in the concentration camps, willing to betray their fellows in hopes of favor from those with the power. And guess what?
When it’s too late, much like global warming, much like the Iraq war, much like Vietnam, much like the unconstitutionality of the Bush Administration, they still won’t admit they are wrong.
Smaller government and lower taxes my tailbone. It’s a banana republic they want. I’ll believe the lower taxes and smaller government when we eliminate US mercenaries and cut the “defense” budget by 80%.
And I’ll feel safer. What scares me is the US government.