Introducing a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques, first-time director John Kahrs takes the art of animation in a bold new direction with the OscarĀ®-nominated short, “Paperman.” Using a minimalist black-and-white style, the short follows the story of a lonely young man in mid-century New York City, whose destiny takes an unexpected turn after a chance meeting with a beautiful woman on his morning commute. Convinced the girl of his dreams is gone forever, he gets a second chance when he spots her in a skyscraper window across the avenue from his office. With only his heart, imagination and a stack of papers to get her attention, his efforts are no match for what the fates have in store for him. Created by a small, innovative team working at Walt Disney Animation Studios, “Paperman” pushes the animation medium in an exciting new direction.
It’s all that. I thought it was aesthetically brilliant–play it at 1080 if you can, to get the sense of depth and detail–and told a beautiful little story. It’s monochrome, and the result is like an animated pencil or charcoal sketch. No dialogue, just sound effects and music. Six minutes of some really sublime animation.
View it over on YouTube to play at the highest resolution.
Speaking of animation, for some time I’ve been meaning to post “Dig Your Own Hole”, an animated music video by Gotye. Another one that, to my eye, breaks new ground. Very dynamic animation in combination with the music.
Also best viewed in hi-def over at YouTube