I’ve heard a lot people whining about the payroll tax cut expiring. You know the one, the one that was supposed to fund your social security and medicare.
It was increased to the previous level, from 4.2% to 6.2%. 2%.
Say your after tax income was $1000 dollars for two weeks, your tax burden would increase $48 a month.
3 lattes, your kids smartphone plan, 2 packs of cigarettes or 2 six packs of beer. If $48 a month is going to sink you, you might want think about living within your means. Maybe not have a handful of pet or bringing that next kid into your world.
If we demand the wealthy pay taxes at the pre-tax cut rates, we shouldn’t bitch about paying what we used to pay. We should contribute to the benefits we will receive even though the government pisses our taxes down the rat hole.