One lousy circuit, to an auxiliary light, wasn’t fused. I remember why, I wanted to see if it worked and then would buy a fuse next trip past an auto supply store.
I finally got about three days free. In a row. I load up everything, the generators, fuel, water, and all the parts to install a couple of more auxiliary lights and off I go. Get right out into traffic, stopped at a light, no room to move, and smoke. Light yellow turning to dark brown, coming from the dashboard, getting into my eyes, and I have no where to go.
I pulled out the panel behind which the smoke was coming, it being loose as that was where I was going to put a couple of more switches, fused, and more smoke billowed out. Light changed, I got to a parking lot, and the smoking diminished then quit.
I had knocked a “hot” line off of that one unfused circuit and it shorted against something. Back home, to rework that circuit and fuse 5 more of them I’m putting in.
And no trip. What a pain in the butt. I am, I mean. Imagine, not fusing that circuit.
Anyone need some auto work done? I’m cheap, fast, and dangerous. Live a little.