What other major country is so mismanaged that it has to shut down the national government? The Republicans talk about starting wars to take “democracy” to foreign cultures, and this is what they call “democracy”.
The Republican efforts to destroy democracy, insisting upon getting their way or nothing, is truly humiliating. Compromise, meeting the needs of all constituencies as best as can be done is the heart of democracy. The Republicans, as did the Nazis in Germany, want nothing except their way. Period.
It’s embarrassing. Those people who identify themselves as Republicans are announcing themselves to the world as basically flawed at a deep level for seeking a dictatorship or incredibly ignorant or both. You know a lot about a person by just knowing that one thing.
Their lockstep vows to block any other program but theirs is irrefutable evidence of preferring a dictatorship, and their lack of awareness of the effect of that policy is direct evidence of ignorance.
The HZ can be proud of itself for creating the “Mysteries of the Multiverse” for their posts. Unfortunately no one polices Republican posts for appropriateness, only those people perceived as liberals.