I took the thing out to the farm, and ran a few clips through it. FMJ, standard ammunition. I had the laser sight on, and used it part of the time.
As one would expect, while only 9mm it is so light it has quite a kick. I have two bones in my right wrist where there should be one due to a motorcycle accident and that area is quite painful when those bones are jammed together. Makes it ripe for flinching.
Instead of a safety it has a very long trigger pull. It seems to go on forever, and the longer one aims and pulls the more likely one is to flinch. ”When are you going to fire??!!” runs through your mind.
It’s accurate and consistent, I’ll say that, and the laser is right on the sight after adjustment. Shooting two-handed freehand, 33 feet from the target, my first 5 rounds were within 3″ of the center of the target, two of them cutting the bullseye. The 6th hit the nail holding the target. I decided I’d punished myself enough. I’m not that good a shot, really, that was pretty lucky. (The guy with me just couldn’t help but flinch, a more normal reaction, I think, to that trigger pull.)
Shooting with just the laser, not aiming otherwise, the trigger pull is so long that it pulls you off-target even though you can hold it on for quite a while. I’m sure some people can shoot it fast enough to keep it more accurate, I can’t.
I tried shooting it left-handed, using my right as a brace, a new idea for me. I didn’t check my position well enough, and the slide got my thumb, tearing the skin enough for stitches were I near a Dr.s office. Not worth the effort at the time, though I had a hard time stopping the bleeding. Great idea, though, lousy implementation.
Overall, this is a serious weapon only if it’s pointed at you at a close distance. It’s fear value is as good as any other, but there is no pride of ownership nor did any real thought go into it’s features or manufacture.
It does fit into a pocket easily and unnoticeably even with the laser sight on it. Overall, considering what one expects from a firearm, this is like a Chevrolet Citation, OK transportation but built to be disposable.