The Chinese sail to a spot in the ocean hundreds of miles away from the current search areas, lower a probe in the water and pick up a Ping at 37.5 kHz. I saw some film today, a guy in a Zodiac dips a sonde in the water with a stick and the camera pans in to show “37.5″ on its LED screen. WHAAAAAAT? Not surprisingly, the Aussies are being polite and diplomatic, but skeptical.
Of course, no one says if that’s an audio or RF signal, and that makes a big difference. Radio doesn’t penetrate miles of water, and high frequency sound doesn’t travel far in the air (it would not be audible to humans anyway.
How did the Chinese know exactly where to go? Could they know something they’re not telling us? Or are they trying to pull resources away from other areas and send them on a wild goose chase?
Something smells here.