My son just picked up a juvenile Star Wars book from the library. We got 3 chapters in and decided its dreck.
I need to introduce him to some real sci-fi that is age appropriate. Any suggestions?
I have the tripod series by John Christopher on my shelf. I was waiting for him to get a little older, but now I’m thinking now might be right.
Ender’s Game is also on the shelf, but definitely want to wait another year or two at least. The impact of that book is so huge, I don’t want to waste it when he might be too young to really get the xenocide at the end. In other words I want him to be able to get it on his own. If I have to do any explaining, I introduced it too soon.
I know Heinlein did a lot of Juveniles, but worry they may be too dated. I’m willing to be convinced otherwise though.
The lack of good juvenile sci fi was exactly why I left the genre as a kid and didn’t revisit it until I was in my twenties.
Any ideas?