I am utterly mesmerized by this TV program. It is all their fault for my post about socialism being about equality instead of liberty.
The world as they know it has come to an end, except for pockets of people not yet infected.
It is anarchy right now. But the main character has stepped forward and taken the lead with his small band of honest people who really have no idea what to do but press on.
They have their hell with the Zombies. But that is an enemy that can easily be identified.
The non-infected miscreants that infest the Georgia/Virginia borders are the true enemy. They are conniving, and opportunistic sadistic murderers and of that ilk…towards others who are still reeling from disbelief of the situation and can not define a new normal to save their souls.
Anyways, the main characters have happenstance into Alexandria, a peaceful town with borders…10 feet of iron fences to protect them from whom they believe to be the only enemy…Zombies. These people are without direction and are coined *weak*, naïve by the battle weary main characters. This is going to get interesting. This is where they get to start their new normal, and I am curious as to where they will go with what they have known, and what they now know.