My daughter is an Atheist. I am a who knows what. I adhere to absolutely no religion. I would break out in hives should I go to church. However, God as I have come to know *Her* is paramount in my life.
My granddaughter is beginning to ask questions about God.
She told me that she feels there is a God when everything goes right. She isn’t sure when everything goes wrong. So, that is a beginning to her addressing an age old question. I perceive she is parroting her mother however.
I am a firm constituent for reincarnation. Spirituality is my life. I didn’t ask for this, it found me. I never asked my parents because that was simply not an option in my dysfunctional family. Everything I have to call *mine* is a culmination of my experiences, answers to questions I had not asked yet, and answers to questions that if I leave myself open will find their way to me.
My son was an Atheist by the time he was 15. He has since changed his mind, but Science and Spirituality walk hand in hand with his thoughts.
My husband has, at nearing 60, come to believe in a God, as he defines him. (He doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea of cremation though.)
We are an interesting bunch o’ coconuts.
I hope I can give my granddaughter the justice on a topic that can bring great comfort, or considerable grief, depending on her paradigm.
This is an incredible responsibility and opportunity I hold.