Remember the financial mess Bill Clinton inherited from Bush the First? Took 8 years of a Democratic presidency to get it straightened out and Bush the Second inherited a surplus.
Then came 8 years of another Bush regime. The economy tanked big time due entirely to his and Cheney’s shenanigans. The Conservatives and their stooges had their way and looted the country.
And now it’s taken 8 years of a Democratic presidency to get the country back into reasonable shape.
There isn’t a way to deny that history. So, another Bush and another flock of Conservatives are running for office.
Don’t people have a memory? Do we need to learn all over again that Conservatives lead to disaster, that Conservatives care nothing about the country except as a cash cow? That Conservatives mean war, depression, misery not only for Americans but for much of the rest of the world? How foolish can we be?