My cousin in Miami tells me the Cuban community is an uproar over recent robocalls with that message. Its not clear what the source of the calls is–it could be from Trump supporters trying to spread some sort of racist message to the Crackers, or it might be some kind of reverse psychology ploy on the part of Rubio or Cruz partisans to try and discredit Trump.
It might even be a Democratic dirty trick designed to divide the Latin vote in South Florida, although its not clear how this would work out in the Republican Primary. The Latin vote is already deeply divided. Even though the established Cuban exile community tends to be moderate Republican, (pro-business, anti-communist, culturally and socially liberal), the rest of the rapidly growing non-Cuban Hispanic population of South Florida leans Democratic and they don’t care much for the Cubans, seeing them as always cutting to the front of the line, as well as clannish, pushy, fast talking and too slick for their own good.
There’s also been a lot of talk lately about revoking the Cuban exiles’ “Special Status”. That is, they are encouraged to emigrate to the US with subsidies, assistance, front-of-the-line immigration, citizenship, residency and work permit status. They were awarded these privileges during the Cold War as part of an effort to embarrass Castro; even illegal rafters are welcomed into the country if they manage to make it ashore without being stopped at sea by the Coast Guard. (The infamous “wet foot/dry foot” policy.) A lot of other immigrants are very pissed off about this, they are not getting the same bennies.
Meanwhile, in Cuba, the word is starting to get around that our lax Cuban immigrant policy may be soon tightened up, and there has been a huge spike in immigration to the US from that country as people try to beat the deadline and sneak in.
Gee, maybe they ought to build a wall. The Atlantic Ocean doesn’t seem to be doing the job…