Its all over the news, lurid tales of political deals to take the nomination away from Trump, of alliances, secret PACs, smoke-filled rooms, third party runs, all sorts of tricks and maneuvers to deny Donald Trump his candidacy.
Well, I agree Donald is a third rate demagogue, a fascist and probably a low-life sleazebag to boot, and his followers are even worse. But the point is, he’s winning fair and square. If he gets the majority votes, he should be the GOP nominee. If he arrives at the convention with the delegates, he should win. And if he has a plurality, then whatever rules are in place now to handle that eventuality should be strictly followed, new ones should not be custom-forged to deal with the situation. This is a democracy, after all, and no one will take the GOP seriously if they rig the rules ex post facto until they get someone they prefer. If they do, they may just get their riot, and they’ll deserve it.
Trump is the candidate the Republicans deserve. They should man up and send him on to November. Those who don’t like him should simply get out of the way and let the Democratic nominee defeat him. And if he (or she) can’t, then he’s the candidate America deserves.
I am looking forward to seeing just what the GOP will be willing to do to steal the candidacy away from their own front runner for (the latest solemn excuse) not being a REAL conservative. Once we see to what lengths they’ll go to rid themselves of the Donald, we’ll know just how far they’ll be willing to go to overthrow the November election if that doesn’t go the way they want it to.
Its only one short step from overthrowing the duly elected nominee of your party to overthrowing the duly elected President from the other.
Wouldn't this election be dull without Trump!
- Were it not for the damage Trump does to the nation every day.....