It is a little funny that the GOP railed against Obamacare claiming it had death panels… now when they have the presidency and both houses of congress they can’t repeal it because so many of their members won’t vote for it because they believe that it doesn’t kill ENOUGH of their constituents.
‘It only kicks 15 million off health coverage? NOT ENOUGH- make it 40 million and THEN we will talk!’
The twits had EIGHT DAMN YEARS of meaningless votes to repeal, and now we see the emperor has no clothes- they had LESS than nothing to offer as an alternative.
Tired of winning yet?
- "reform"
"Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased?"
"Sick poor people don't deserve healthcare", republican accidentally says aloud...
- Besides, poor people don't even WANT health care...
And while we are at it, why the hell should MEN pay for pre-natal care?, another republican wonders...
Why should WOMEN pay for prostate care and Viagra prescriptions?
Why should WOMEN pay for prostate care and Viagra prescriptions?