Across the top of the splash page, under the words “Habitable Zone” are a series of buttons that direct the user to the appropriate sub-board (“Space/Science”,”Geek Speak”, “Science Fiction”, “Off- Topic”, “Flame”, “Community”. “Comestible Zone”, “Current Events”, etc.). I have noticed that when I link from a post to some other web page, (as when I temporarily link to a suggested site for further reading) when I return to the original post the text inside all those buttons is erased. And they stay erased no matter how many sub-pages I jump back and forth too. The buttons still work properly, there’s just no labels inside them.
Its only a minor problem, I have memorized all the buttons and don’t need to read the destination label to get there, but I thought it might be a symptom of a potentially much more important problem, or perhaps of an issue with my antique and unsupported OS (Windows XP).