Republicans have been forever whining about the need for “local control”, the evils of “big government” interfering in what should be local decisions, and on the general principle that government control and regulation should always be centralized in the states, or even closer, at the local level and determined by local voters and local conditions. You know how this works, if local school boards want to teach Biblical Creationism and Intelligent Design to ten year olds, Big Government should stay out of their way.
The new Trump Republicans are ready to moderate this policy, especially when corporate power or cultural biases are challenged at the local level. In Florida, State Government has been implementing a series of laws that overturn or countermand local communities ordnances on issues like Coronavirus hygiene, gun control, banning of plastic products and their release into the environment and, of course, the old standbys of LGBTQ bashing and voter suppression.. Our new Governor, Ron Desantis, a Trump groupie and uber-panderer to the MAGA base has led the assault in Tallahassee on local laws and ordnances which are threatening to the new GOP orthodoxy. Ron is rumored to have presidential ambitions… Of course, this sort of fascist maneuvering is not limited to the Sunshine State. Its happening all over.
These people are really starting to piss me off.