Every time I leave my air-conditioned house to get in my air-conditioned car to run an errand this climate-changed summer, I think of this old tale. I read it as a kid, and I stumbled on it today. I would like to share it with you, I was very much influenced by this tale when I read it.
Its really good writing, and that’s why I’ve posted a link to it here. The astronomy is way out of date (we know today Mercury’s rotation is not tidally locked to its orbit, it exists in some weird 3:2 resonance), and who knows how realistic the geology of the planet is depicted, even considering how little we knew about the world when the story was written. There are also references to “Venusian Jungles” Still, Nourse writes very plausible SF, perfectly reasonable in 1956, even if its not exactly accurate today. It is believable.
It’s about a 20 minute read. Enjoy.