Don’t you dare let them get away with it, Joe. What they’re doing is blackmail, extortion, ransom. The Republican terrorists are threatening the entire credit and word of the nation to get you agree to budget cuts directed primarily against the poor. Veto, but do not cave in.
Don’t you dare let them get away with it. They are ready to cause economic havoc, not just here but throughout the world, because they think their taxes are too high. This is after Bush putting his wars on the credit card, and Trump railroading through an ill-advised tax cut. They do have a point, the budget deficit is too big, we must all suffer in order to cut it back, not just the poor. But this is money we have already spent, and they helped spend it. If they really are serious about this, they can negotiate cuts later, on future spending.
Call their bluff. And make sure you use your influence and bully pulpit to explain to the American people why you’re not caving in. Turn it into a campaign issue. Let the American people vote on it in ’24. If the American electorate votes them in anyway, they’ll deserve the consequences, but you will be remembered as the last one to stand up to their lies and greed.
Tell them, and America, up front, that you will negotiate with them Next Year, without threats or intimidation, and tell them you will match with spending cuts every penny they contribute by raising taxes. If they expect the poor to give up services, then the rich should be ready to give up their privileges; penny for penny. Tell them you’ll slash entitlements the day they’re ready to raise corporate and capital gains taxes–dollar for dollar. After all, they’re the ones who can afford it. Otherwise, we both know that the minute they have the votes the first thing they’ll do is vote themselves another tax cut, no matter how much it drives up the deficit.
Make that challenge up front, and be ready to back it up. I guarantee you they will look the other way and do nothing. And if they don’t, if they do meet you half way and match your cuts with their tax hikes, then maybe this country will survive. ‘Cause if you let them get away with this blackmail, and if the American people allow it, it won’t deserve to survive.