As much as I respect the moral quality, obvious decency and exemplary record of President Biden, I am convinced he cannot defeat DJT at the polls. Rightly or wrongly, he must be replaced by another candidate in order to keep Trump and his gang away from the White House.
The Democratic process by which Mr Biden’s replacement is selected, through debate and campaigning and Party dialog at the convention, will not only baffle and hamstring the fascist propaganda machine, it will provide a clear and obvious alternative to the GOP’s cult politics.
Multiple times, the brutality, outrages and lies of the grotesque buffoon have been accepted and endorsed by his followers, while the honorable opponents within his party have been ruthlessly exiled or destroyed. If we choose to, between now and the election, we can show the nation a clear example of how internal Democratic politics compare with Republican. If America refuses to see that difference, then perhaps this country deserves fascism.
This is the exact same test faced by Germany almost a century ago. Let’s hope we don’t fail it too.