Wow how cool is this!? Tiny, autonomous 3D printed robots that are designed to explore subsurface oceans on alien worlds!!! In a decade or so they’ll fly billions of miles to Europa and other ocean worlds and…
Wait for it.
Engineers recently tested prototypes of NASA’s SWIM (Sensing With Independent Micro-swimmers) concept, showcasing a revolutionary approach to searching for life on icy moons like Europa. These tiny, autonomous robots are designed to explore subsurface oceans…
SWIM envisions a swarm of cellphone-sized underwater robots delivered by a cryobot, which would melt through Europa’s thick ice crust. Once deployed, these micro-swimmers would seek out temperature and chemical changes that could signal the presence of life.
This makes me want to fucking scream! Yeah let’s wait another decade or so and once again look for the conditions that support life.
Please, somebody take the people who make these decisions outside and shoot them in the head.
NASA's Prime Directive
To cautiously and slowly go where we have gone before and do the same thing over and over.
- I disagree
I have sensed this impatience in you before, Grasshopper.
So given what you said
I would be curious about the power sources they could use at that size
This sort of thing gets a story about every 2 years
Let's dig down into the weeds here
Bad info
You don't need a 1 gram diamond though
- I am not sure what you are thinking
I would think a 1 gram (5 carat) diamond could contain a very large amount of carbon-14
You don't need a 1 gram diamond though
Bad info
Let's dig down into the weeds here
This sort of thing gets a story about every 2 years
High Efficiency Micro-Hydro Water Flow Pump Hydroelectric Power Energy Generator
You make a lot of good points
- I don't see a cellphone sized robot fish will be able to recognize "Life".
I would be curious about the power sources they could use at that size
So given what you said
To cautiously and slowly go where we have gone before and do the same thing over and over.