The US has seriously abused it’s military and wasted it’s treasury since 1951.
Start with Korea. Everyone knew that war was going to end where it started. The US wouldn’t let North Korea any closer to Japan that it was. The Chinese and Soviets would not let a US client any closer to their borders that the 38th parallel. All of the killing after the Inchon invasion was a waste.
Vietnam. Lost that war decisively, almost 60,000 American dead, and now we’re making tennis shoes there. There was no good reason for it in the first place, and the American military was sacrificed for individual politicians pride. The Gulf of Tonkin was a complete sham. A complete waste.
The First Iraq Escapade could have been prevented, was fought strictly and only for the Western oil companies. Not democracy, not freedom, but for a kingdom with oil ties to Western companies.
Iraq. Fought only for oil. And lost. The end result is another Saddam, what it takes to run a country like that. Thousands more Americans sacrificed for Western oil countries. The powers that be knew they were lying over WMDs, yellowcake from Nigeria, freighters with helicopters just waiting to spray the East Coast, mushroom clouds and so on. WTF and terrorism were the excuses, while it was known 9-11 was funded by Saudis and flown by Saudis. Which got of free.
Afghanistan. Fought because it borders Iran on the side away from Iraq. And Iran has oil. Another war fought for the benefit of Western oil countries.
The military has not been used to protect the democracy for a long, long time. The American dead died in service to oil companies and munitions makers. And the American people have tolerated, even encouraged this abuse, like old sheep standing outside the slaughterhouse, watching the young, healthy, vibrant sheep march in. I have given up thinking Americans will learn. We are the stooges of those who really own the country. We will keep on doing it until someone is big enough to start telling us what to do. And Americans have fallen for the same old story every time – fighting for freedom, democracy, to free an oppressed people, all noble motives and none of them as much as factor as a Coca-Cola franchise.
And as the world’s only superpower for a while we could have done so much good. Completely blew that.