I alluded to this earlier, and I think it’s worth expanding upon. What sort of country would a Conservative be happy in? As far as I can tell, the Conservative – Libertarian heaven would look like this.
For one, everything would be privately owned. The Military would all be mercenaries, would supply their own weapons and ammunition, ships, planes and so on. The police forces and fire departments would be privately owned and work for the people paying them. Private property would be protected the most. In extreme cases, a state militia would be used to enforce property rights. Unions would be declared both unconstitutional and treasonous, with the death penalty for violation.
All water, rivers, lakes, streams, privately owned. Wildlife the same. Poaching laws would be strict and enforced mercilessly. All roads, bridges, tunnels privately owned. All parks, all land, privately owned. Sidewalks, the same. All utilities would be privately owned. The Court system would be privately owned, each areas courts going to the highest bidder. Currency would be issued by private individuals or companies.
There would be subsidies for large farming corporations to allow them to compete on the world market, subsidies and tax breaks for Big Oil, and continued subsidies for Big Pharma.
There would be no Medicare, Social Security, school lunch programs, not-for-profit hospitals, public assistance (welfare), food stamps, rent subsidies. No workers compensation benefits, no unemployment insurance, no FDA. No public schools or universities.
There would be a flat tax, whereby the mega-wealthy would be taxed the same for a loaf of bread as someone who purchased it with begged money.
There would be Christian prayers required in schools, none other allowed. Christian ministers would be allowed to vote for their entire congregations.
Since laws were not concerned with regulation but with property rights, only folks with real property or a substantial interest in a corporation which owned property could vote.
Ah, a little bit of paradise he said facetiously. But it’s what they say they want.
In the absence of proper government, the powerful will simply take from the weak.-- Chris Hayes
- When the laws can be used to plunder, the plunderers will make the laws. Anon religious broadcaster.
- A conservative country