Ronald Reagan was known as a nuclear non-proliferation President, and his public pronouncements on that subject were unequivocal. And he did not talk out of both sides of his mouth. He talked out of the Right side, and acted behind his back.
He did see to it that CIA warnings about Pakistani nuclear efforts and intentions were ignored and continued to aid them. He dispatched top level aides before and after his speeches to assure the Paks that it was simply rhetoric. There were credible warnings from India and Israel, European countries and raw material suppliers all over the world. All ignored.
Carter, in order to enlist Pakistani aide against the Russians in Afghanistan, offered $400 million in aid, including transport aircraft. No good for delivering nuclear weapons. The Reagan administration, as well as not blocking the transfer of technologies and materials to Pakistan, sold them F-16s, an airplane which can deliver nukes.
The Chinese helped, too, as did Libya and Iran. And Pakistan sold the latter material and technology.
When the time came for a fall, the Paks blamed ONE MAN, who got house arrest. As if one man could have done all that needed to be done AND transferred the technology. And the US accepted that explanation, as to challenge it would have been supremely embarrassing.
Don’t believe this, then Google to matter or read a very well researched book with impeccable citations,
“Pakistan, the United States, and the Secret Trade in Nuclear Weapons”
Warning: Would be hazardous to the mental health of those who believed Reagan. That’s all, just believed Reagan. That’s why they will never, ever touch the subject except through the self-serving public pronouncements of Reaganites. There’s no worry.
PS Another myth. Saudi Arabia was the largest contributor to the Afghanistani resistance to the Soviet Union. That was US money laundered through Saudi Arabia. It wasn’t Charlie Wilson’s war, he was simply a tool of those much higher.