Start two wars and cut taxes on the wealthy. At the same time Borrow the money to fight the wars.
Blame the next guy because you’re in debt.
Loan anyone who asks for money enough for a house. Or two. Talk about prosperity, creation of jobs, the American Dream realized. By the time he defaults, the next guy is in office and blame him.
Dump unlimited amounts of CO2 in the air, absolutely unlimited amounts and cut down the trees which could absorb only a part of it at best. Say the resulting heating is a normal variation, and continue dumping unlimited amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere while continuing to cut down trees and other vegetation.
And blame the resulting mess on those who inherit it. In fact, get together and revel in the mess, buy little cups, raise your pinkies and have a Tea Party.
Invite the Mad Hatter. He’ll be the sanest one in the group.