Dr. David is a local chiropractor highly involved in nutrition and alternative healing. I’ve spoken to him re: my problems and he knows his stuff. When I had a problem with rapid, irregular heartbeat about a half hour or so after eating, Dr. David explained how the stomach works. Acid makes it happy, lack turns it angry. This was based on research done in Scandinavia and is way ahead of what MD’s seem to know here. Long story short, he recommended I take Digestive Enzymes before meals and lo and behold, after my first dose, the problem totally disappeared. It seems my stomach (I have a hiatal hernia) was pressing against my vegas nerve and once we got my digestion moving, it no longer pressed and problem solved.
As we age, our stomachs produce less acid and we may have to help it a bit to digest. Since it won’t harm you, if you have acid reflux or other GI problems, try a digestive enzyme. The relief, if it happens, will be immediate. If it doesn’t then your problem lies elsewhere. One dose shouldn’t do any damage. If heartburn or whatever worsens, a tums should take care of it.
Obviously, I’m not a doctor, so only do the above if it seems reasonable to you. BTW, I quit the enzymes and the problem returned immediately. I restarted and the problem was gone again after one dose. So the cause and effect was rather obvious. After many years on the enzymes, I have been able to reduce my dependence on them. I only use them when I’m eating things a bit harder on the digestive system, i.e. beef roast, steak, BBQ ribs (note, these are all red meats! I’m OK with chicken and turkey and fish).
So, from his newsletter today:
“Short Article #1
Supplements Reduce The Risk Of Autism
Scientists at the University of California, Davis MIND Institute have determined that mothers that did not take prenatal vitamins were twice as likely to have an autistic child. Of course they are asking for further studies. If they had found a drug that would reduce the risk by half, every mother-to-be would be on that drug – ASAP.
We know that genetics plays a big role in autistic spectrum disorders, but our environment dictates which genes turn on and off so this research is no surprise to those of us who understand the genetics. The environment that we are referring too here is food, or more specifically, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.
It has been my opinion, and the opinion of the scientific authorities that I listen too, that not only is the average American diet a disease producing disaster, but prescribed pre-natal vitamins are woefully inadequate.
I have had expectant moms under my care who all take additional supplementation in addition to their pre-natal vitamins, and I have never had one of my moms have a child with an autistic spectrum disorder. The research that supports these ideas has been around for over fifty years, and is readily available to anyone who is interested enough to review the literature.
If you talk to families who have an autistic child, it is not unusual for them to tell you that the autistic behavior didn’t start until shortly after a vaccination. Adequate nutrition through supplementation, especially during breast feeding, will also reduce risk. Optimum vitamin and mineral levels have been know for decades to help detoxify toxins and heavy metals, even the mercury associated with vaccines.
The most important of these supplements in my opinion is Vitamin C, and that is a story all by itself. I have written newsletters on Vitamin C that you can access, if you are so inclined.
Short Article #2
Monsanto Hopes To Satisfy Americans’ Hunger For Superstar Foods
St. Louis based Monsanto hopes to satisfy Americans’ hunger for superstar foods.
Business Section, K.C. Star, Tuesday, May 17
This is insanity, and our FDA is allowing it. Most of the foods we eat now are either hybrids or genetically engineered. Even the produce sections of the supermarket are unsafe, and the more we eat these “super foods” the sicker we are getting and the more drugs we need to take.
If you are not buying at local farmers’ markets you are making a mistake. At these markets you can get to know the farmers, what they are selling, and what their philosophies are regarding healthy crops.
It has now been well established that the human body does not readily identify genetically modified foods as actual food, and there is a battle brewing between responsible scientists and physicians against the big businesses that are poisoning the population for profit.
I’ve been writing about this for over a decade, so it’s time to pay attention. You can find information about local farmers’ markets from the Kansas City Food Circle, while at www.askdoctordavid.com, go to the Referral Network and click on K.C. Food Circle. You will really like this super informative web site.
Short Article #3
Dangers Of BBQ, What’s The Truth?
Lately, I’ve seen several articles about the dangers of BBQ. What’s the truth?
There is no question that cooking animal flesh over an open flame yields a meal loaded with carcinogens. Heterocyclic amines (HCA’s), caused by cooking meat over high heat, have been known to be a potential problem for as long as I have been in practice (a very long time).
I’m always fascinated by the majority of these articles because they don’t tell the whole truth. They just focus on making BBQ a bad guy.
In truth, most of us eat veggies and fruit along with our summer BBQ, and those foods are full of the antioxidant vitamins that protect us against HCA’s. Additionally, if you are receiving this newsletter you are undoubtedly smart enough to supplement your diet with additional vitamins and minerals, and these are the chemicals that protect us against these harmful HCA’s.
Undoubtedly, the most important protective antioxidant is Vitamin C, so don’t stop taking your Vitamin C during the warm BBQ season, it’s good for a lot more than thwarting the common cold.”
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and, that’s all, folks!