I think Conservatives biggest fear is that someone will get something for nothing. It simply pisses them off when they see someone who doesn’t work and still eats, gets a place to live, and medical care. It’s not right, according to them, that those people get fed, housed and medical care without working. It’s not fair.
That’s what really bothers them. Not that the wealthy get a lot without working, that’s how it should be. But to see a fellow serf getting away with something for free, well, that’s outrageous.
And yet I wonder how many of our most vocal Conservatives are earning a wage, making a living, have their own health insurance, pay the rent and buy the food. Taking care of kids and housekeeping doesn’t count. Neither does taking care of relatives. Poor people do all of that, but it doesn’t count for them. They should be working.
I’m not talking about legitimately retired, I’m talking about living off of someone else, exactly what bothers them about the welfare queens.
There may be none, there may be a few, there may be more than a few. But I’ll bet some are exactly what they complain about.
And maybe not.
Conservatives and Liberals want the same thing using different methods.
You are Varelse Bowser, understanding is not possible
- I bet you're dead wrong
It ain't necessarily so. -- Sportin' Life