I am prejudiced. Against what I perceive is a growing epidemic of assholism.
Now what I perceive is an asshole is different from what you may perceive as an asshole.
There are asshole *decisions*. Asshole behavior. Asshole personality.
I am only slightly prejudice and in eye rollism mode against Asshole Decision Disorder or A.D.D. We all make stupid decisions. I am convinced I have a Life 101 PhD. in this myself. However, due to my sensitive nature, I pick up on the err of my ways rather quickly, as I usually abhore the outcome.
Asshole Behavioral Syndrome, or A.B.S., is similar to A.D.D. except there is a redundancy, a repetition to the behavior. It takes awhile for me to sift through this. I have to determine if this person is just socially retarded, in which case I am more annoyed than anything…. or truly an asshole personality cancer, more commonly referred to as A.P.C.
If I remain positive and shine my *light* on A.B.S people, I can usually reach their true personality. It takes great effort and a lot of bullshit filtering. The effort will pay off, but I grow weary these days of this procedure. I want and need an immediate rapport of civility and decorum because I want as little drama as possible. I am able to proceed with a pleasurable experience.
There is enough drama in the everyday lives of humanity to keep me from living in a Pollyanna bubble of sugar and spice. Indeed, to listen or read the news is a true test of my ovarian fortitude. I am in a constant state of gratitude for what I have, and who I am.
Heh….They can go piss up a knotted rope…to put it as nicely as I choose to say it.
- There is a 12-step program for that...