Everyone has gone to bed early, and I am doing something I have not done…ever. I am at the keyboard and sipping on a wine that my daughter brought over for Thanksgiving dinner. Best wine I have ever had, but then again, I am not a drinker of anything other than coffee, Coke Zero or water.
I have ruminated for many years over the saying, ” Life is an illusion”.
I am going to be writing about what I have pondered. It will be in stages, as my realizations have been, as to what it means to me.
Initially, I naively thought the literal translation, life was not real. So…what did this mean to a novice deep down soul searcher?
Life is not real. Hmmmm…did that mean that we are a dream? I can touch, feel, smell, taste, hear, see, speak.
Are these not real? Of course they are. Very real.
I was content for but a brief time that *Life is an Illusion* was a new age version of *do you know where your head is at?*…a very real question I was asked in my very early twenties. I thought the guy was nuts.
This question has always been only a thought away for a very long time now. It envelopes my senses at times. It would seem it is meant to be in my life. The *Illusion of Life* understanding was not an illusion for me. It is very real.
Cameron opines:
I had heard that . . .
...and also...
In addition to Matrix
Um-m -- Matrix 201 . . . ? (n/t)
Um-m -- Matrix 201 . . . ? (n/t)
Matrix 101. (n/t)
In addition to Matrix
I had heard that . . .