With no viable communistic threat in existence or on the horizon, the idea of communism strikes terror in the hearts of capitalists.
Two-thirds of the people in this world are desperately poor with no hopes on the horizon. Their resources are owned by large multinational corporations who purchased them from the despots who rule the countries. And the average family gets nothing.
We’ve seen what happens when rulers attempt to use these resources for their own countries benefit. Ghadaffi was demonized, and NATO orchestrated his killing and overthrow. Chavez is demonized, and Bush attempted to kill him. The rulers of Iran were overthrown and the Shah installed. The people revolted and overthrew him, and every Iranian leader has been demonized. Bush publically announced he had allotted $400 million to cause internal problems for Iran. How happy would the US be if Iran had done that?
Nope. Communism (read “using their resources for their own benefit”) terrifies capitalists still, and is squashed at all costs. Because 2/3rds of the world’s people are desperately poor.