“America is the richest, and most unequal, country.”
“While America’s growing income inequality has been the source of much debate, this report examined the wealth — which includes not just salary, but also property and investments held by a family. The report found that America’s wealth inequality is even more gaping its income inequality. In fact, the report dubbed the U.S. the “Unequal States of America” due to the size of the gap.”
George W. Bush termed an effort to increase taxes on the wealthy as “class warfare”. He was able to cut taxes on the rich, a cut which to my knowledge has stood. What with a hugely significant percentage of the population eagerly slurping down the Kool-Aid of Conservatism, there doesn’t seem to be anything operating which will stem the tide.
The Obama administration has shown itself either unwilling or unable to alter the situation, and that was the last good chance. Heck, Guantanamo Bay is still in existence, we’re still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don’t think anyone can get elected president without the support of the mega-wealthy. There is some justification in calling that a “civil war”, and I think that if one does consider it so, it is also lost.
Yeah who drank the kool-aide?
Some numbers:
Bush was supposed to be the new Reagan.
- That's funny, I thought you said it was because he's black. It must have been RL. n/t
Bush was supposed to be the new Reagan.
Yeah, cut taxes and all our problems will disappear.
Some numbers:
The conclusion is inevitable
- Wealth Inequality
Someone's reading their Piketty.