We have come to the end of the notion that there is upward economic mobility or even a chance to rise out of poverty for more and more Americans. For them their situation is hopeless. More and more people are being added to that underclass all the time.
Meantime, the rich get richer. This is a classic condition. At some point there is a critical mass, an uprising of people who want decent food, shelter, medical care and some hope for their children. They want to belong to the economic system.
Conservatives think these people want nothing more than to loot the wealthy. That’s understandable, as they are constantly seeking ways to part anyone else from their resources. The Iraqi war is a splendid example, and it’s normal to think others are up to what you are.
Not true. What they want is to eliminate the wealthy’s stranglehold on the nations resources. And they will do it.
Conditions are getting worse and worse. More and more Americans are being disenfranchised. How large would the underclass have to get before there is such desperation that an uprising will take place? How many Americans can be held in prisons, ghettos or other form of captivity? Clearly there is a percentage, a flashpoint, and just as clearly there will be tries before “The Big One”. But without any change coming down the pike, what is there to prevent this?