Since I consider myself a progressive liberal I should make sure the term “regressive liberal” is clearly defined. The term was coined by conservatives to identify liberals who abandon progressive ideas in the name of multiculturalism. More specifically, the cultural relativism of saying Islamic culture is equal to western culture and must be respected. “How dare anyone attack Islam because they have every right to believe what they believe?” Well of course they do, and everyone else also has the right to criticize those idiotic beliefs! Islam is an illiberal philosophy at odds with western values on so many levels. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free press, separation of church and state, freedom of women, gay rights etc etc etc. This is an extremely fucked up culture and we in the west are BETTER than them by miles. Islam is not a race, it’s an idea. A stupid, childish and extremely dangerous idea, and a bright light needs to be shined on it to show it for what it is.