If enough of the tundra catches fire, the clouds of smoke will cast cooling shadow on the ground and reflect sunlight back into space. This will counteract the CO2 release and cool the earth. Drill, baby, drill.
We mustn’t over-react, RL. We mustn’t go off half-cocked. It might cause economic disruption and job loss. The survival of human civilization demands continuous, and even constantly accelerating, economic growth, which in turn depends on ever-increasing consumption and exploitation of resources. Its called “creative destruction”, we’ve given it a name so we surely understand how it works. We can’t stop now. We’re riding a tiger, we’ve got him by the tail. We don’t dare let go and jump off now.
Besides, whose going to pay for it? Surely you don’t expect those who got us here to suddenly stop what they’re doing? They have too much invested and are profiting too much from the way things are and the way they’re heading. Besides, in the extremely unlikely event something terrible happens, they have the resources to get through it just fine.
You certainly can’t expect them to inconvenience themselves now just because you have been too lazy and stupid to learn how to prosper the way they have. So just shut up, keep quiet, and let those who know what they’re doing keep on doing what they’re doing.
And if you’re a nice boy and do what you’re told maybe they’ll give you a job.