I have been ping-ponging between two (audio) books we have discussed here- “They thought they were free-The Germans” by Mayer and “The Road to Unfreedom” by Snyder… they are both excellent so far (I am ~%25 of the way through both)…
I highly recommend them both… Snyder’s book does not lend itself well to an audio presentation, it dense with facts and history and you cant let your attention wander.
Mayer’s book is easier to follow in an Audio format, but no less thought provoking.
In both the script for fascist takeover is laid out in detail- fascism isn’t some accident of history- there is an art and a science in bringing it into being, it is a destination that many scholars and philosophers have developed a roadmap to guide would be authoritarians to..
And Trump is following the directions without missing a turn. This is telling because Trump is obviously NOT a clever man, nor is he in any way a student of history. The obvious question, then, is who is coaching him? Who is feeding him the lines? THAT is a question I hope we get the answer to.