Something weird is going on with Atlantic hurricanes. Not only is there an extraordinary number of them (They ran out of alphabet designators and have had to move on to using Greek letters), but they seem to be sprouting up all over the place. Although most Atlantic storms originate as tropical depressions forming off the west coast of Africa (and still do), this year we’ve had several get started in mid-Atlantic and further north. Bermuda is taking a pounding. There also seems to be an inordinate amount of cyclonic activity in the western Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. This isn’t particularly unusual, but the sheer number this year is.
One year of unusual hurricane activity could be just a fluke, but the last few seasons have been particularly busy, although not as frantic as 2020.
Ha anyone been monitoring the Northern Pacific, or the Southern Hemisphere? The Indian Ocean?
What could possibly be going on? Hmmmmmm.