What’s more, all laid-off workers could lose a week of the $300 federal boost to payments if the President doesn’t put his signature on the bill by midnight Saturday.
The Covid-19 relief legislation, which was flown to Mar-a-Lago on Friday to await Trump’s signature, would extend the number of weeks people can stay on two key pandemic unemployment programs and increase weekly benefits by $300 for all through mid-March.
But after sitting on the sidelines during the negotiations, Trump emerged with an eleventh-hour complaint that a separate provision in the deal, which the President’s own White House helped broker, would only provide up to $600 in direct payments. Trump now wants to send out $2,000 checks.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seized on Trump’s call for $2,000 checks and brought to the floor a standalone bill that would have boosted the amount for relief checks on Thursday. House Republicans, however, objected to the bill over deficit concerns.
The standoff comes as millions of Americans face financial hardship — including difficulty affording food and shelter — triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.
Anyone here believe Trump is concerned if suffering Americans get $2,000 rather than $600? He could have made that demand at any point in the past few months, instead HIS OWN PEOPLE were playing hardball in the negotiations demanding the relief checks be kept as small as possible…
This is about creating chaos, making sure the nation suffers for rejecting him… its about having others pleading for mercy and being able to deny it to them. He is a narcissist- its what he does… its all he knows how to do.
He vetoed the Defense Authorization bill- just because he could.
Will he shut down the government as we are trying to get vaccines distributed?
Less than a month to go, and I don’t think we have seen the worst of it yet- if given a chance he would happily burn the nation, and the world, down to ashes rather than face the humiliation he has coming….
And the vast majority of republicans would gladly give him all the matches and gasoline he asks for.