Romney is bluffing the liberal media like nothing you have ever seen before. The uniform response to him is that he has a tin ear, that he is blind to ordinary people, that he is a fool, et cetera…
So convinced are you that anyone who is with Them is a mentally and morally challenged nitwit that you have lost the basic skill of writing a sentence that does not drip with sarcasm and smugness. So sunk are you into your own comfortable perspective and that of your readers—like a favorite old chair—that you can see neither the forest nor the trees. In the meantime, Romney is carrying the chickens out the backdoor of the henhouse, one by one…
He was giving the hard-pressed the hardness they yearned for, and he was directing that hardness not toward the rich—anyone can become rich in America, right?—but toward the liberal elites—because unlike getting rich, you don’t just get elite. Wealth is a public offering. Elite status is privately held. Or so it seems in the heat and haze of losing your house and your job.