No one really knows if we’ll fail to fix the debt ceiling blackmail, or what will happen if for whatever reason we don’t. But in the worst case scenarios, it could be an interesting summer.
Our Social Security checks are due on the 4th Wednesday of the month, so we’ll get those for sure. But whether we (or 70 million other retirees) get paid in June is something else again. Our Social Security checks account for half our monthly income. The rest comes from my job pension (County employees are covered by the Florida Retirement System). I understand the FRS is pretty solid, but who knows how those funds will respond to a deep and lengthy economic firestorm. Even if both our pension plans are cut off, we can survive for over a year on our savings, providing nothing else happens.
Its a moot point, though. If SS is not paid to the nation’s retirees (not to mention Medical, Snap, and numerous other programs) there will be plenty pf other issues to worry about, For example, if the Feds can’t pay SS or Medicare, they probably won’t be able to honor FDIC claims either, and I bet the banking system will be in a state of total collapse; it won’t matter how much you’ve got in your savings accounts or IRAs, it will be inaccessible till after the emergency.
For those of you still working, I have no idea how you’ll make out. If you are relying on your investments,,, well, that should be interesting too.
I’ve made no special plans or taken special precautions. I’ll do what I do for hurricane season. Pay off my bills, gas up the cars, load up on grocs, and keep a little cash under the mattress, just in case. And I’ll make sure the Family Atomics are handy and ready.