Lord have mercy...I need to double up on my anti depressants when I read your posts Bowser. Or commit suicide. ...
My posts are usually lessons in spiritual Newtonian physics, very basic, very simple and yet hard for materialists to follow.
Newton: ...
- Damn I wish I was as smart as you. Why...you know me better than I know myself. Cool. So, what am ...
Narcissistic personality disorder
OK, so I watch The Big Bang Theory.
Ha! I have all of those and three more they didn't even think of! That makes me better ...
Well I don't suffer from that...oh wait...Bowser...do I suffer from that?
I'm probably better qualified to answer that, Jody.
Ummmm, what was the question?
I'm probably better qualified to answer that, Jody.
Ummmm, what was the question?
Well I don't suffer from that...oh wait...Bowser...do I suffer from that?
OK, so I watch The Big Bang Theory.
My posts are usually lessons in spiritual Newtonian physics, very basic, very simple and yet hard for materialists to follow.
Newton: ...
Sorry but your post reminded so much of this Star Trek episode.
"The Capitalist Weapon"
Following up a bit. I believe, I may be wrong, but I believe it is the Conservatives around here ...
That was an Ugly, Ugly Post
"Well, it is Flame Frank"
Bowser obviously sees anyone who isn't a conservative as a saint.
- Geez! Is that an accurate observation, or not? It seems to be. And if it's accurate and ...
And Vice-Verse.
Hell,I don't have a problem with it being an ugly post. Just that he doesn't think it is ugly.
Th ...
- Bowser has always been able to burrow deep under your skin
- Okay, let's settle down a bit. I can get this kind of stuff on five dozen other boards.
Hi. As part of the unilateral truce and ceasefire I'm observing, Frank, I should probably let you in on ...
Thank you for all you do Bowser. You are a breath of sunshine on this forum. BTW I don't post ...
Damn! Someone get that poor heehaw outta the well!
Damn! Someone get that poor heehaw outta the well!
Thank you for all you do Bowser. You are a breath of sunshine on this forum. BTW I don't post ...
I've done both of those, and neither of them are causes for insult.
So have I but I never bragged about it. We do what we have to do.
So have I but I never bragged about it. We do what we have to do.
"Well, it is Flame Frank"
Bowser obviously sees anyone who isn't a conservative as a saint.
That was an Ugly, Ugly Post
Nice call! 500 geek points!
But as I pointed out, when wars were nasty, dirty, and very, very personal, there ...
- You have a good point. I guess it doesn't matter. n/t
"The Capitalist Weapon"
- On the other hand,