The Terrorist attack in Norway. Something stinks in Norway. If someone is so against Islamist intrusion into Europe, ...
It wasn't just a summer camp. It was a camp for young Labor Party members. Think a camp for ...
Like I said, Right Wing. And Eri, I love ya dearly, but pick up on that "Pin our problems ...
Oh dear God, I give in! Turn it off! Turn it off!
Just as creepy:
The Left has been trying to sell this line for many years now, usually every time some lone nut (Christian ...
By the way, note my first response on the "Zeitgeist" post.
Lone Nut Christians don't grow in a vacuum, nor do islamic terrorists. Too often religion teaches hate of those who ...
Lunatics do grow quite nicely in a vacuum. They absorb from their environment anything they can twist to their ...
Your first two sentences contradict one another. The nut-case absorbes ideology from their environment (i.e. not a vacuum) and twists ...
Look, we're going to ride this wave of demonization out just like the last one, when Democrats and the media ...
Where is it?
For starters, the Alternet article that began this conversation.
- Alternet, huh? Yep, there's yer VLWC. Tell me, have you ever found any commies under your bed?
For starters, the Alternet article that began this conversation.
Where is it?
Look, we're going to ride this wave of demonization out just like the last one, when Democrats and the media ...
Your first two sentences contradict one another. The nut-case absorbes ideology from their environment (i.e. not a vacuum) and twists ...
Lunatics do grow quite nicely in a vacuum. They absorb from their environment anything they can twist to their ...
Lone Nut Christians don't grow in a vacuum, nor do islamic terrorists. Too often religion teaches hate of those who ...
By the way, note my first response on the "Zeitgeist" post.
Congragulations, podrock. I now have to change boxers because of your link.
The Left has been trying to sell this line for many years now, usually every time some lone nut (Christian ...
Oh dear God, I give in! Turn it off! Turn it off!
Like I said, Right Wing. And Eri, I love ya dearly, but pick up on that "Pin our problems ...
It wasn't just a summer camp. It was a camp for young Labor Party members. Think a camp for ...
That Astronautix news is the worst news I've heard today. I used that resource a LOT.
Hmm. This old version still seems to be there.
EXCELLENT! Now, how long before the DDSer's (Damn Dookie Suckers) find out about that site?
EXCELLENT! Now, how long before the DDSer's (Damn Dookie Suckers) find out about that site?
Hmm. This old version still seems to be there.
- Hey, who's getting that 87 cents a day?