A lot of righties are getting rude awakenings, too. It's inevitable in a society that has become as polarized as ...
I agree. The wing nutz on both sides have a death grip on political dialog (if it can still be ...
I find it interesting that "lunatic fringe" is now defined as anyone who thinks that socialism isn't going to be ...
TB, you're not growing older, you're getting bitter.
You want criteria, bucko? How about the biggest economic collapse since the ...
Fine, I hope we do it your way. I hope nothing is done and the whole system falls into ...
Okay. First, every bit of your first paragraph is crap. I could pull up the facts - again ...
Nothing new in any of that, Tom, just your usual Neocon bilgewater We've heard it all before, with and without ...
Cripes, you don't even use the word "neocon" correctly.
Probably not. Troglodyte taxonomy is not very high on my list of priorities right now.
Then use a taxonomy you can work with. I'm flexible.
Then use a taxonomy you can work with. I'm flexible.
Probably not. Troglodyte taxonomy is not very high on my list of priorities right now.
It really isn't about correct facts and incorrect facts nowadays. It's about "good" facts and "bad" facts. Or ...
TB, I'm not about to let the "correctness" of my facts be decided by someone who equates suspicion of the ...
"TB, I’m not about to let the 'correctness' of my facts be decided..."
"Decided?" Bingo.
In a recent poll, a "generic" ...
Another demographic heard from HERE. Maybe they've discovered that an administration that has declared war on the private sector ...
TB, your "far left" starts way to the right of me. But even taking that into account, if you ...
"TB, your “far left” starts way to the right of me."
No. It doesn't. And I have never called ...
I'm sorry, Tom. That was not an explanation. That was a justification. I just do not agree ...
I've said this before: if someone would nail a term down hard enough so it holds still, I'll be ...
Nice to see that this board "squishes" to the right like the other ones. Nostalgia...
Sure, sure...squishing to the RIGHT's just fine wiith you, isn't it? What about left squishers, huh???
Paul Simon
I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O'Hara'd, McNamara'd.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till ...
I've never heard those lyrics. What a hoot! I assume that's to Linda Ronstadt's song tune for When Will ...
That actually works in "squish!"
Let's see if it squishes more. We got to get a pun going one of these days.
Let's see if it squishes more. We got to get a pun going one of these days.
I've never heard those lyrics. What a hoot! I assume that's to Linda Ronstadt's song tune for When Will ...
Paul Simon
I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O'Hara'd, McNamara'd.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till ...
Sure, sure...squishing to the RIGHT's just fine wiith you, isn't it? What about left squishers, huh???
Nice to see that this board "squishes" to the right like the other ones. Nostalgia...
I've said this before: if someone would nail a term down hard enough so it holds still, I'll be ...
I'm sorry, Tom. That was not an explanation. That was a justification. I just do not agree ...
"TB, your “far left” starts way to the right of me."
No. It doesn't. And I have never called ...
TB, your "far left" starts way to the right of me. But even taking that into account, if you ...
Another demographic heard from HERE. Maybe they've discovered that an administration that has declared war on the private sector ...
"TB, I’m not about to let the 'correctness' of my facts be decided..."
"Decided?" Bingo.
In a recent poll, a "generic" ...
TB, I'm not about to let the "correctness" of my facts be decided by someone who equates suspicion of the ...
Cripes, you don't even use the word "neocon" correctly.
True, 2010 happened...past tense. The future's a blank slate. If the roster of potential GOP contenders continues to run from ...
- Trump is an idiot, at least in politics. Keep in mind the mainstream media essentially is the party organ ...
- You may get your chance yet, McFly, with a Gingrich-Bachmann ticket. I'm sure the GOP could field candidates which could ...
Nothing new in any of that, Tom, just your usual Neocon bilgewater We've heard it all before, with and without ...
Fine, I hope we do it your way. I hope nothing is done and the whole system falls into ...
The latest Medicare trustees report can be found HERE.
I call particular attention to the actuarial opinion at the end of ...
TB, you're not growing older, you're getting bitter.
You want criteria, bucko? How about the biggest economic collapse since the ...
I agree. The wing nutz on both sides have a death grip on political dialog (if it can still be ...
- It's a sad state for political affairs when both sides are corrupt and can't take an attack like a man. ...
Good idea! I'll try that, too. so I can quit typing "Link Here." (no link there in case ...
The smiley showed up. The interface is very eccentric. I've noticed myself refreshing or reloading pages a lot ...
Eccentric? Diabolical is more like it.
Eccentric? Diabolical is more like it.
The smiley showed up. The interface is very eccentric. I've noticed myself refreshing or reloading pages a lot ...