What Conservatives don't realize is that it's spent with companies owned by Conservatives!
A party who has boiled every complex issue down to a one sentence slogan.
Who benefits from "entitlements"?
Who benefits from "entitlements"?
A party who has boiled every complex issue down to a one sentence slogan.
Amazing people can't grasp that the data shows
Well I guess if all you're concerned with is the short term, fine. n/t
We're talking about two different things
Some times a great depression/recession/financial meltdown is in your short term.
That's a move too far for TB's thinking
That's a move too far for TB's thinking
- Now I'm slipping into the twilight zone!
We're talking about two different things
Well I guess if all you're concerned with is the short term, fine. n/t
Nobody ever asks where that first dollar comes from.
Amazing people can't grasp that the data shows
Infrastructure costs money, which means higher taxes.