The slippery slope argument
I'm tired of this! Done, finished, the rawest form of intolerance.
Wow. You're a dead ringer for Chris Kluwe n/t
Never heard of the person, but they sure nailed it, huh!!??
Did you read the link Rob offered?
Clue: Chris Kluwe
Did you read the link Rob offered?
Clue: Chris Kluwe
Never heard of the person, but they sure nailed it, huh!!??
Wow. You're a dead ringer for Chris Kluwe n/t
Slippery slope argument, continued...
Toronto apparently has a problem with gay-bashing in their schools.
Maybe I need to put arrows on the picture.
Maybe I need to put arrows on the picture.
Toronto apparently has a problem with gay-bashing in their schools.
- Will the enlightened be less tolerant than us? Seems an odd argument for less tolerance?
I'm tired of this! Done, finished, the rawest form of intolerance.
That was harsh...I agree...tolerance all around. I am beginning to just feel sad for people such as Burns because times ...
Good one n/t
Good one n/t