I've puzzled over this and gone back over it. The issue seems to be that the police request for ...
Well, as the article says, you sure want to avoid anyone who has "been on the job for just a few years, or lack[s], the experience of having previously gone through the vetting process and campaigning on the national level."
How do you reconcile that with your avid support of Palin in the last election. It wasn't just McCain ...
- Reconcile what? Cripes, did that go over your head?
One thing is certain, the VP nominee won't be Santorum. n/t
There's a lot of people who would be good VP candidates, and would make damn good presidents down the road.
Who is surfacing?
Who is surfacing?
There's a lot of people who would be good VP candidates, and would make damn good presidents down the road.
How do you reconcile that with your avid support of Palin in the last election. It wasn't just McCain ...