Where were you when the economy was going to hell and the Democrats spent their two years in absolute power ...
I was watching my retirement funds disappear and cursing them all. I still curse them all but Republicans more ...
My retirement funds mostly came back. I basically sit on my investments, not because I'm an investment genius, but ...
I didn't have the time to wait for them to come back and got out while I could. Honestly, ...
Secret number one: during a "frisky" market period, don't look at the statements. Anyway, I've been slowly rebalancing ...
When all you've got to live on is in volatile markets, your advice is asanine. "Just don't look and ...
If all your investments are in volatile markets, take shots at your advisors, not me.
I wasn't taking shots at you; I was taking shots at the economy until you piped up with silly advice. ...
"Silly?" I rode it out. Did it work?
Tom, you are not ME, you were not in my circumstances with MY retirement accounts and ready to retire next ...
Sorry. But advice is not the same thing as control.
Sorry. But advice is not the same thing as control.
Tom, you are not ME, you were not in my circumstances with MY retirement accounts and ready to retire next ...
"Silly?" I rode it out. Did it work?
I wasn't taking shots at you; I was taking shots at the economy until you piped up with silly advice. ...
If all your investments are in volatile markets, take shots at your advisors, not me.
When all you've got to live on is in volatile markets, your advice is asanine. "Just don't look and ...
Secret number one: during a "frisky" market period, don't look at the statements. Anyway, I've been slowly rebalancing ...
I didn't have the time to wait for them to come back and got out while I could. Honestly, ...
My retirement funds mostly came back. I basically sit on my investments, not because I'm an investment genius, but ...
I was watching my retirement funds disappear and cursing them all. I still curse them all but Republicans more ...